Living online: the long-term impact on wellbeing

Written evidence submitted in collaboration with the eWorklife team, to the UK Parliament Lords’ Select Committee COVID-19 Committee Inquiry, “Living online: the long-term impact on wellbeing”.

Parliamentary evidence December 2020

Written evidence submitted in collaboration with the eWorklife team, to the UK Parliament Lords’ Select Committee COVID-19 Committee Inquiry, “Living online: the long-term impact on wellbeing”.

Submitted by the Eworklife research group: Professor Anna L Cox a, Dr Sandy JJ Gould b, Dr Marta Cecchinato c, Dr Joseph Newbold c, Dr Anna Rudnicka a, and David Cook a to the House of Lords COVID-19 Committee Inquiry: Living online: The long-term impact on wellbeing

a University College London
b University of Birmingham
c Northumbria University

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