Summer & Winter Schools - CLOSED
Call for proposals to run summer and/or winter schools for early-career and established researchers

Call opens: Monday 27th November 2017
Call closes: Wednesday 31st January 2018
Funding available: Up to £9,000 sponsorship (per application) towards direct costs
We’re intending to sponsor a series of Winter and Summer Schools to be held in 2018 and 2019, for the benefit of both early career and established researchers.
The Schools will provide opportunities for participants to learn about theories, methods and research relevant to a multidisciplinary approach to getting people to be more active.
Applications are encouraged on topics aligned with the GetAMoveOn Network+ agenda and our aim of ‘transforming health through enabling mobility with the help of digital technologies’.
Applications to run programs on sensor networks, data analytics, interactive visualisation, human computer interaction, online citizen engagement, behaviour change, sports and exercise, are particularly encouraged but any relevant applications are welcome.
A summer or winter school is a program of lectures, classes, tutorials, hands on technology sessions, exercises or group work organised by Network+ members for the benefit of early and established researchers. There are many examples of such summer schools documented online.
Applications are encouraged on topics aligned with the GetAMoveOn Network+ agenda. See for more information.
Applications to run programs on sensor networks, data analytics, interactive visualisation, human computer interaction, online citizen engagement, behaviour change, sports and exercise, are particularly encouraged.
The applicant or applicants to this special funding initiative need to be GetAMoveOn Network+ members prior to application. You can join online at:
Network members can apply for sponsorship up to £9,000 (as outlined below).
Schools should be organised for the benefit of attendees and should not be designed to make a profit for the organisers.
An application for GetAMoveOn sponsorship should not be intended to fund the entirety of the costs associated with a winter or summer school.
Sponsored summer or winter schools can take place at any time in the 2018 and 2019 calendar years.
There is no application form. Instead you should submit a proposal for sponsorship. It should be limited to 3 A4 pages and should include:
- Name and email address of organisers
- Title of summer /winter school
- Relationship to any existing conferences or events
- Outline (up to 5000 characters): including the purpose, areas of research covered, reason for event, proposed speakers and activities, how will it be advertised, where will participants attend from
- Learning objectives / outcomes
- Location and dates of winter/summer school
- Event schedule: high- level overview and approximate timings for lectures, hands on technology sessions, exercises, group work, welcome dinner etc.
- Number of delegates (in total) and number to be supported by GetAMoveOn.
- Total budget requested, up to £9,000 and budget breakdown (see below). Awarded funds can be used to cover travel costs for speakers, catering (e.g. lunches and welcome dinners etc.), and accommodation for residential participants. Funding can also be used for travel grants for attendees.
- Other sponsorship or support already agreed inc. space, data, funds, hardware etc.
- Further details to support proposal (up to 2000 characters): inc. existing experience running a summer school, evidence of need for this summer school, commitment from speakers to participate.
- How the event will be announced and marketed to the GetAMoveOn community and others.
Applicants can apply for up to £9,000. The funding is intended to cover the direct costs of organising the event/activities e.g. room hire, participant/speaker accommodation, catering, travel costs for speakers etc. which will be awarded at 100%. Funding can also be used for travel grants for attendees (also awarded at 100%). The funding does not cover salaries, administrative or other time involved in organising the event/activities, or any other overheads.
An application for GetAMoveOn sponsorship should not be intended to fund the entirety of the costs associated with a winter or summer school. An organiser can charge attendees fees for summer/winter schools. However, schools should not be designed to make a profit for the organisers.
Your budget breakdown should include a breakdown of costs, total costs, detail of income from registrations and other sponsorship, and total income. See an example of this below.
Budget example (yours should be based on real quotes):
Local University Sponsor: £1,000
Local Industry Sponsor: £1,000
GetAMoveOn sponsorship: £9,000
Fees from 16 residential students: £3,200
Total: £13,200
4 day venue hire, including 3 nights’ accommodation & meals: 20 people @ £460 inc. VAT: £9,200
Travel for 4 guest speakers: £4,000
Total: £13,200
Send your application as a Word document AND as a PDF by email as follows:
Email to:
Subject: GetAMoveOn Summer/Winter Schools
The deadline for applications is Wednesday January 31st 2018
The awards will be made based on actual direct costs incurred (which will need to be evidenced by means of payment receipts), up to the maximum stipulated in the award Letter Agreement which will be issued to successful applicants. We would not expect to fund any additional costs beyond this.
The funds awarded will cover 100% of direct costs only (up to a maximum of £9,000 including VAT) such as room hire, catering, and reasonable travel expenses for a workshop facilitator, speakers, travel grants for attendees etc. There are no funds available to cover salaries, administrative or other time involved in organising the event/activities, overheads etc.
The GetAMoveOn Network grants are only available to international researchers if they are collaborating with a lead partner based at a UK institution, through which funds would be administered. That UK institution must qualify for RCUK funding
Those who are awarded a GetAMoveOn Network+ Summer/Winter School Award under this funding initiative will be provided with a contact to our Network Manager who can assist with processing claims and reimbursements.
Proposals will be reviewed by the GetAMoveOn management team who may draw on external experts, familiar with the organisation of such schools. Applications will be evaluated against the following criteria:
• Expected outcomes for participants
• Fit to network aims
• Value for money
• Other sponsorship
• Experience of the organisers
Click here to download this information as a PDF